SAT Thermique has designed for one of its loyal customers, a major player in MRO (aircraft maintenance and repair), 10 tailor-made ovens specially developed for the curing, drying and degassing of different surface treatments, used for the protection of aeronautical spare parts.

Off to Thailand!
SAT Thermique has designed for one of its loyal customers, a major player in MRO (aircraft maintenance and repair), 10 tailor-made ovens specially developed for the curing, drying and degassing of different surface treatments, used for the protection of aeronautical spare parts.
These facilities, used between 140 and 250°C, all comply with the AMS2750 F standard, allowing our client’s Thai site to meet the highest level of quality requirements for these processes.
Equipped with overhead conveyors, they are traversable, thus allowing a continuous and easy flow, as well as optimal traceability.
SAT Thermique has sent a team of experts specializing in major exports to the site to carry out the installation and train the operators.
Whatever your need, SAT Thermique accompanies you to the end of the world…
#MRO #surfacetreatments #AMS2750 #industrial ovens #satthermique